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Bands who uses Foxgear (Gurus & Baroni-Lab):
Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Motorhead, Bon Jovi, Steve Vai, John Mayer, Nick Cave, Skunk Anansie, Ray Charles, Marilyn Manson and many more...
Foxgear were launched in 2017 by renowned Italian brands Gurus and Baroni-Lab. These pedals showcase the best construction respected engineers could have only achieved by working together. Designer Ugo Baroni and manager Chicco Bellini are constantly involved with researching, developing and working with professional musicians to ensure quality standards.

FOXGEAR had its inception in late 2017, as a joint venture between two renowned Italian brands Gurus and Baroni-Lab.
This mutually beneficial venture allows both companies to achieve goals that would have been difficult to achieve separately.