Sussat - Pinniissalikaatunnguugaluarlutit

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Sussat! Who has sold over 8,000 CDs with their "Sila Qaammareerpoq" and "Asaneruleraluttuinnarsinnaarpasippakimmi" is now out with a new album and they keep the same style as they are known for. Sussat! Last release of Rinas debut album is genius to make hits for Greenland and, as a surprise to this album, Hinnarik is on a single song as a guest. The songs contain funny lyrics and happy melodies with totally down to earth effects on guitars and keyboard. The singer's vocal has got a little more Cher effect, which has become the band's characteristics. Sussat! Deliver as always and is known to be one of the most celebrated live bands in Greenland. Sussat! Has also included some well-known Greenlandic songs on the previous albums, and this time it became Pavia Geisler's hit "Iluatsitsi".

Model: ASCD-130
Weight: 0,12 kg

Sussat! Who has sold over 8,000 CDs with their "Sila Qaammareerpoq" and "Asaneruleraluttuinnarsinnaarpasippakimmi" is now out with a new album and they keep the same style as they are known for. Sussat! Last release of Rinas debut album is genius to make hits for Greenland and, as a surprise to this album, Hinnarik is on a single song as a guest. The songs contain funny lyrics and happy melodies with totally down to earth effects on guitars and keyboard. The singer's vocal has got a little more Cher effect, which has become the band's characteristics. Sussat! Deliver as always and is known to be one of the most celebrated live bands in Greenland. Sussat! Has also included some well-known Greenlandic songs on the previous albums, and this time it became Pavia Geisler's hit "Iluatsitsi".