Traditional greenlandic Music box set 5 cd


Traditional greenlandic Music box set 5 cd

Model: ULO-172
Weight: 1 kg

The release of the box set TRADITIONAL GREENLANDIC MUSIC with 5 CDs with traditional Greenlandic music has many purposes. First of all, to document a unique original music form with roots in ancient tradition in the Arctic. On these CDs you can hear a selection of the many recordings that have been collected all over Greenland since the beginning of the 20th century, and for the most part are filed at the Danish Folkemindesamling in Copenhagen and at the Greenland National Museum and Archive in Nuuk.

Right back in 2003, the undersigned, Karsten Sommer, and musicologist Michael Hauser put us in a position to listen to all available material. About 800 hours of recordings we have listened to over a number of years, considering that no one has ever done it before and that it was necessary for a complete overview of what was preserved.

The purpose was to bring the best examples of the many hours of recordings, up from the dusty basements, and into the light. First of all, because it is inuit indisputable historical music tradition, and therefore should be available. Both for the Greenlandic people, but also for the many people around the globe who are interested in popular music, sung and played by ordinary people, influenced by the living conditions of the people in question. In addition, we also think that the material is a treasure of beautiful melodies and lovely snapshots that can give the people of today a good and inspiring experience.

We have intentionally chosen to make a wide selection of existing recordings. A number of the most legendary drummers are represented, with the best performances during the recording session that has taken place since 1906. Long-lost folk artists are given the opportunity to be heard by today's listeners. At that point, it has been a great and exciting work. To give the longest deceased singers the honor they deserve! And we have sought to find the recordings that we think have the originality, skill and atmosphere that best can document the drums tradition.

We have listened with different backgrounds. Michael Hauser, who has worked the biggest part of his life with drummer songs, is one of the greatest music scientists of Inuit drums. He has primarily focused on the musical structure and the rhythmic set of rules. I, the undersigned, do not have the great theoretical knowledge, but through many years of work with all kinds of Greenlandic music in the record company ULO, have had a great deal of love for the unifying power, kindness and celebration and joy that always surrounds the music in Greenland. We feel that feeling, you also find these CDs.

In addition, we have received invaluable help from one of today's great Thule drummers, Hivshu, Robert E. Peary, II, who has grown up with tradition. He has been able to rely on us in our committee and, in particular, help us to write down and translate the words that are said

Or sing. All text material is thus written down in the notes, so the many listeners who do not understand the language of the Thule population - inughuit - have the opportunity to accompany.

The same is true of the CDs from East and West Greenland. Here we should mention James Bianco, who has helped us invaluable covernote to the CD from East Greenland.

The songs and tales on these CDs are not just music. There are also small atmospheric sound images from a longest lost Greenland. Our clever sound engineer, one of the Nordic region's leading "sound cleaners", Ossian Ryner, has with the sensitive use of the latest technology cleaned the old recordings. He has as much as possible removed scratch, needle noise and ribbon so we are as close as possible to the atmosphere in the room, then many years ago when the songs appeared, often with family and friends in the background: one sings while driving On sledding, a place sings a dog with, women whine of joy, a man breaks into laughter in 1906 - and we laugh with in 2010! In Illorsuit in 1906 a young girl sings about the happy youthful life in the summer,

Where the young ones enjoy themselves And about the parents, they are sure when they come home and tell about their experiences. "But ... do not listen to them ... keep enjoying life," she sings rebelly to the young. Youth revolt in Illorsuit anno 1906!

And then these CDs also a tribute to the brave men and women who completely from 1906 and throughout the century, the great hardships went far north to collect songs. The oldest sailed for weeks from Europe to Greenland, a few years after recording technique was invented, bringing their fragile sound recording equipment: phonographs with lakruller, later steel strip and more recently mono and stereo tape recorders.

When they reached Thule, to the East or West coast, they contacted the local singers and made them sing! In the oldest recordings they sang into "His Masters Voice" -like tragts, later the first microphones came. The largest material was collected in the 60's and 80's

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