Rock From The Cold Seas
This album is from 1999 and contains 16 tracks with different rock bands from the Nordic countries. Of the Greenlandic bands, "Siissisoq", "Piitsukkut", "Inneruulat" and the self-rap group "Nuuk Posse" also contribute a heavy number mixed with hip hop. The other bands on the album come from Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Canada and Samiland. As it is a rock album, it can be said that it is a more aggressive plate that is aimed mostly at the younger audience.
This album is from 1999 and contains 16 tracks with different rock bands from the Nordic countries. Of the Greenlandic bands, "Siissisoq", "Piitsukkut", "Inneruulat" and the self-rap group "Nuuk Posse" also contribute a heavy number mixed with hip hop. The other bands on the album come from Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Canada and Samiland. As it is a rock album, it can be said that it is a more aggressive plate that is aimed mostly at the younger audience.