Ina Lange - Qatanngutikka Asavassi


Ina Lange knows from her hit in KNR with the number "Ikinngutit Nuannersut" where she sings on the collection CD "Qasigiarmiut" - an incredibly popular song that is often played in the radio. Here is a burning hot CD from Ina Lange where the band Asuki with her father Søren Lange plays backing band. The musicians on the record are Malik Lange, Kuluk Lange, Tid Svan, Hans Grønvold, Gedion Andersen and in choir we have Naja H. Lange, Sissi Lange, Aqqa Samuelsen, Hans Hj Sandgreen, Pilu Sandgreen, Ivalu Thorleifsen, Margrethe Br. Samuelsen Hans Pele Thorleifsen, Angutinnguaq Johansen, Stephen Sandgreen and Niels Jørgen Eriksen. The album contains good lyrics and music, and has been a long way up in Qasigiannguit, where many homework has been spent in the home studio - finished just summer - 2009.

Model: ASKN-32
Weight: 0,12 kg

Ina Lange knows from her hit in KNR with the number "Ikinngutit Nuannersut" where she sings on the collection CD "Qasigiarmiut" - an incredibly popular song that is often played in the radio. Here is a burning hot CD from Ina Lange where the band Asuki with her father Søren Lange plays backing band. The musicians on the record are Malik Lange, Kuluk Lange, Tid Svan, Hans Grønvold, Gedion Andersen and in choir we have Naja H. Lange, Sissi Lange, Aqqa Samuelsen, Hans Hj Sandgreen, Pilu Sandgreen, Ivalu Thorleifsen, Margrethe Br. Samuelsen Hans Pele Thorleifsen, Angutinnguaq Johansen, Stephen Sandgreen and Niels Jørgen Eriksen. The album contains good lyrics and music, and has been a long way up in Qasigiannguit, where many homework has been spent in the home studio - finished just summer - 2009.